Phone Numbers

Updated phone numbers for Eagle Rock Rock Jr./Sr. HS will be available weekdays from 8am-2pm, to answer questions related to our school. Your call will be answered by an Eagle staff member. If it goes to voicemail, we will call (or text if it is a cellular phone) back with the information requested.

Calls to campus using (323) 340-3500 or any other campus number will NOT be answered during the pandemic. The calls are not redirected to our Google Voice numbers. Please use one of the numbers below for assistance:

  • The Google Voice Phone number for Eagle Rock Rock Jr./Sr. HS' Main Office is  (213) 444-0656. Call to be connected with staff regarding general questions. 
  • The Google Voice Phone number for ERJSHS’ Attendance and Enrollment is:  (323) 452-2608. Call to be connected with staff regarding attendance, enrollment and/or permits. 
  • The Google Voice Phone number for ERJSHS’ Support of Special Education  is:  (626) 788-1836. Call to be connected with Ms. Francisca regarding IEP related topics.

Thank you for updating your contact information. Please leave a voicemail or text and it will be answered in a timely fashion.

If you are interested in contacting our LRE Specialist Kristin Lambert please email her at

If you wish to speak to our SpEd Program Specialist Gordon Houston please email him at